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Datum: 17.03.2023, 06:30
An: "'Manfred Neuberger'"

E-cigarettes : hype about disposable “puffs” – the National Council now wants to ban them with a motion

Politicians from left to right around the Green National Councillor Christophe Clivaz have submitted a motion calling for a ban on non-reusable e-cigarettes.

by Benedict Hollenstein

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National Councilor Christophe Clivaz has submitted a motion to ban single-use e-cigarettes.

20min/Matthias Spicher


According to the Green politician, these harbor a high risk of addiction.

20min/Celia Nogler

They would also be marketed to children through their flavors and packaging.

20min/Celia Nogler (translated)


In addition, disposable e-cigarettes are "highly ecologically problematic," says Clivaz.

20min/Marco Zangger


Because the plastic cover, which also contains a battery and chemicals, among other things, is often disposed of with normal waste or even thrown away carelessly.

20min/Marco Zangger

That's what it's about

E-cigarettes have been a popular alternative to the classic cigarette for many smokers for several years. , mostly available in fruity and unusual flavors, have become Since the sale of so-called "puffs" has been allowed since 2020, these relatively inexpensive disposable vaporizers blockbusters.

Clivaz warns of the potential for addiction and ecological damage

especially among Disposable e-cigarettes with their different flavors and colorful designs are becoming increasingly popular, young people and young adults. But while there are also nicotine-free e-cigarettes, the potential for addiction is high, according to National Councilor Christophe Clivaz.

The products would also be marketed specifically for young people , according to the Green politician. He refers to a study by the University of Lausanne, according to which 59 percent of 14 to 25 year olds have already consumed such e-cigarettes. Twelve percent stated that they often consume "puffs" , as writes.

Broad support for ban

In a motion, Clivaz is now asking the Federal Council to ban the sale of "puffs" . His initiative is supported from left to right by politicians from the SVP, FDP, the center as well as the SP and his party.

Clivaz justifies its motion not only with the risk of addiction, but also with the ecological damage that such e-cigarettes can cause: These contain batteries and chemicals and, according to Clivaz, often end up in the normal waste or even in nature after consumption.

Disposable e-cigarettes: MPs call for a ban

A non-partisan alliance around National Councilor Christophe Clivaz (Greens / VS) demands a ban on disposable e-cigarettes, so-called "puffs".

Will disposable e-cigarettes ("Puffs") soon be banned in Switzerland? (icon image) - keystone

the essentials in brief

Since 2020, disposable electronic cigarettes ("Vapes/Puffs") have been allowed to be sold in Switzerland. Products of this type have experienced a strong upswing in the last two years. "Vapes/Puffs" are particularly popular with young people : the colorful e-cigarettes usually have a formula based on nicotine salts, which enable the active ingredient to be absorbed more easily.

E-cigarettes are harmful to young people and unecological

For these reasons, Greens - National Councillor Christoph Clivaz demands in a motion that the Federal Council bans the sale of disposable e-cigarettes. The Valaisian is certain that the products have a high potential for addiction and are being marketed specifically for young people .

In addition, disposable e-cigarettes are also extremely problematic from an ecological point of view: "Puffs" contain plastic after use , electronics and chemical components and end up in the garbage or even in nature . also refers The National Council to a study by the University of Lausanne, which confirms the extent of the problem: According to this, 59 percent of 14 to 25 year olds have already used such e-cigarettes - 12 percent use them frequently.

For the Greens - Nationalrat is therefore clear: "The federal law on tobacco products and electronic cigarettes must be amended to the sale ban of 'Puffs'." 25 National Councillors have signed the request and by no means only representatives of the Greens and SP . Clivaz also received signatures from members of the SVP , FDP , Mitte, EVP and the Green Liberals