Ungarn 2012 rauchfrei!    Hungary 2012 smokefree!


April 26, 2011 the Hungarian Parliament accepted the aggravation of the non-smoker’s protection law. As a result of the expected measure Hungary enter into the countries where a total smoking ban is enforced in all enclosed public places.

The ban also relates to all workplaces, hospitality venues including public places, places of entertainment, pubs, bars, public transport, bus-stops, subways used by passengers, playgrounds and five meters around them. Only the cigar rooms of hotels, prisons and psychiatric institutes are exceptions.

The law enters into force on 1 January 2012, but fine will be imposed only from 1 April 2012, after three-month waiting period. By the modification of the law, Hungary will suit the health political and professional needs of the European Union and the WHO, and significantly decrease the public health and economic burden as well.


Hungarian Focal Point for Tobacco Control

National Institute for Health Development

H-1096 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 2.  III. 321.

Homepage: http://www.dohanyzasvisszaszoritasa.hu/eng/index.html

Tabakkonsum rückläufig in Ungarn 2013   Smoking declining in Hungary 2013
Nur mehr 29% regelmäßige und 2% gelegentliche Raucher (Männer 34%, Frauen 25%; Jugend 15-34a: 30%).

40.000 Trafiken wurden auf 5.000 reduziert, mit Zugangsbeschränkungen versehen (erst ab dem 18. Lebensjahr) und die Außenwerbung entfernt.
Die Erhöhung der Tabaksteuer führte 2000-2012 zu einer Verdoppelung der Zigarettenpreise.